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Ministry of Labour

Overview Ministry of Labour

The Ministry of Manpower was established by Royal Decree No.(108/2001), issued on 20/Sha`ban 1422 AH. (6/11/2001). The Ministry proposes and implements manpower general policies in line with the State economic and social objectives. The Ministry prerogatives include the following:

  • Preparation of draft laws and systems regulating the Labour market and vocational training sector in the Sultanate and issuance of regulations and decisions to implement same and protection of national Labour force and availing all potentials which help develop capabilities of this national Labour force.
  • Building up an integrated Labour market informational system and preparing the national Labour force register with the aim of developing human resources in the country and ensuring the optimum utilization of them.
  • Applying, following up and monitoring implementation of the Labour law and regulations and providing Labour care in coordination with the concerned authorities.
  • Studying the private sector's requirements of expatriate Labour force and drafting procurement regulations and issuing pertinent licenses, in accordance with regulations and decisions in force.
  • Providing vocational training and technical training and developing and expanding same according to the requirements of the Labour market.
  • Developing training curricula according to the approved vocational criteria and levels, awarding qualifications, encouraging on job training and following up graduates to ensure that they utilize the available job opportunities.
  • Contributing to the national efforts aimed at availing vocational guidance programs and raising awareness with the values of work and encouraging the spirit of individual initiatives among citizens.
  • Implementing and following up all programs relating to the employment of the national workforce and assessing its performance in cooperation with the concerned authorities.
  • Preparation of plans to develop Labour methods and upgrade employees performance and develop human resources at the ministry.
  • Representing the Sultanate in local, regional and international conferences, seminars and meetings relating to Labour force and its training.


regulated and stable labor market with qualified national manpower who actively contribute to supporting the national economy.


  • Preparation of laws and systems regulating the labor market and vocational training sector, and issuance of executive regulations and decisions, and protection of national labor force and availing all potentials which help developing their skills and capabilities.
  • Building up an integrated labor market informational system and preparing the national labor force register with the aim of developing human resources of Oman and ensuring the optimum utilization of them.
  • Applying, following up and monitoring implementation of the labor law and regulations and providing labor care in coordination with the concerned authorities.
  • Studying the private sector's requirements of expatriates and drafting outsourcing regulations and issuing pertinent licenses, in accordance with regulations and decisions in force.
  • Providing vocational training and technical education and developing and expanding the relevant programmes based on the requirements of the labor market.


Working together to regulate the labor market and upgrade the ratio of national manpower in the private sector, through integrated legislations and laws and distinguished services, within a framework of transparency and flexibility.


  • Accepting/ rejecting a modification in occupation for Omani Manpower - Employee
  • Accreditations
  • Activate job seeker’s status
  • Apply for Vacancy
  • Apply for announced jobs
  • Check Job Seeker Status (Recommendation Letter)
  • Check Labour Cards issued for a Labour Permit
  • Check omanisation %
  • Commercial Work Permit
  • Create Resume
  • Departure form for non-Omani manpower - citizens
  • Departure form for non-Omani manpower - companies
  • Details about Omani employees
  • Details of wages of non- Omani employees
  • Display candidacy requests
  • Employment
  • Employment Contract - Omani
  • Fines Against Labor Violations
  • Forbiddance Status
  • Get a permit to recruit a foreign labor
  • Hotline Services
  • Inquire about Employee by Labour Card No.
  • Inquire about expatriate employees for each Labour Permits
  • Inquire about final status of all Labour Permits
  • Inquiry on status of new Labour Permits
  • Justify Wage Violations
  • Labor Cards Renewal for Non-Oman Manpower-citizens
  • Labor Cards Renewal for Non-Oman Manpower-companies
  • List all expatriate employees
  • Manpower details according to occupation
  • Manpower details according to the sector
  • Modification in occupation for Omani Manpower - companies
  • Modification of Non-Omani Manpower Details - citizens
  • Modification of Non-Omani Manpower Details - companies
  • Obtaining MoMP Website User Account
  • Occupational training institutions both public and private
  • Omanization Percentage Inquiry
  • Payment of Fees and Fines - Employers
  • Payment of Fees and Fines - individuals
  • Private Work Permit
  • Private clearance service - citizens
  • Recruitment services for nationals
  • Register a new vacancy online
  • Registration
  • Registration and update of national ID card status for non-Omani employees
  • Registration of Authorized Representative
  • Registration of National Manpower
  • Request letter to whom it may concern
  • Salary certificate issuance
  • Search and apply for vacancy
  • Search for Manpower by qualification and region
  • Special Treatment Service
  • Submit Labor Complaints
  • Submit Wage Related Complaints
  • Submit work clearance service - companies
  • Termination and Retirements of the National Manpower
  • Ticket Refund Request of Desertion Report
  • Vehicle enquiry
  • View Manpower Details (Non-Omani)
  • Vocational training of Omani nationals
  • Work Permit Status Inquiry

Establishment Address

  1. P.O.Box
  2. P.C
  3. City
  4. Phone
    +968 24 34 43 98
  5. Fax
    +968 24 34 43 20
  6. Email
  7. Web Site