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Find a foster family for orphan children

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Foster families pledge to care for an orphaned child’s health, education psychological and social upbringing. The Ministry of Social Development sets standards for foster families to help them embrace their new family member to ensure the child is raised in a healthy family atmosphere. Proper government documentation and identification paperwork are provided concurrently with periodic assessment and supervision.

Find a foster family for orphan children

Who can request this service

  • Children of unknown parents born in Oman.
  • Children born in the Sultanate from a known mother but an unknown father
  • Newborns who have no caretaker due to: death of a family member, separation of parents, one or both parents jailed, or any other applicable reason that applies.

Steps to follow to request the service

A. Process Steps:
  1. Submit an application to foster a child to the Ministry (concerned department).
  2. The concerned department of the Ministry studies the application.
  3. If application is approved, authorities release the child to the foster family after the applicant signs the guardianship documents.
  4. The Ministry can remove the child from the foster family at anytime if the family breaches their responsibility.

What documents are needed to process

  • Application to Foster A Child Form.
  • Copy of passport or ID.
  • Marriage certificate or marital status certificate. (i.e. not married, widowed).
  • Certificate of good conduct.
  • Medical certificates from all host family members confirming no family member has any contagious diseases.
  • Financial status certificate:
    • Salary / income certificate.
    • Ownership of a residence or rental agreement.
    • Private business.
  • The Guarantee Form

Special conditions if any applicable

The foster family must be:
  • Must be a Muslim Omani family.
  • Family must consist of a wife and a husband. In exceptional cases a child can be fostered to a woman.
  • Must be able to care for the child as prescribed by the social study.
  • Medical certificates from all host family members confirming no family member has any contagious diseases.
  • Married couple having no children. The proper authorities can give an exemption to this regulation.

How the service is processed

Process takes one week from the date of application and applicant is notified by phone.

How long will it take

Applications are processed within 30 days from the date of submission

Fee to be paid

Description Fee to be paid Places of Payment

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the requirements to foster a child?
To fulfill the application requirements, as stated in Article (16) of the regulations of family care and foster families. An initial interview and a social field study are conducted to ensure the eligibility of the family, and then the decision of the technical committee is verified.
  1. Can a non-Omani family foster a child?
Yes, as stated in Article (22) of the regulations of family care and foster families.
  1. Can a family choose a child?
Yes, after the application is approved and verified
  1. Can an unmarried woman foster a child?
Yes, in accordance with Article (16) of the regulations of family care and foster families.
  1. Can the foster child be given the name and tribe name of the foster family?
Yes, a foster child can have his/her name changed. The name must be of Arabic background and cannot violate the Islamic religion.
  1. What are the rights of the child?
The child has all rights under Law set down by the Sultanate including the ability to obtain a passport, birth certificate and social security identification.

Service Provider

Ministry of Social Development

Coordination and Follow-ups Section

For Help

  1. Tel
    ‎+968 24 69 66 08

Service Locations

Operating Hours
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Woman & Child Affairs Department
From Saturday to Wednesday
From 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM