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Ministry of Information

Overview Ministry of Information

The Omani media strategy endeavors to direct the media towards serving the needs of the sustainable development process by enhancing the appropriate environment that leads to a stabilized progression, and to encounter the internal/ external variables. This strategy is but an integral part of the overall strategy of the modern state that seeks the achievement of the noble objectives associated with the building up of a contemporary state on our beloved Oman. This strategy represents a wide-ranging plan for a broad outlook of achievements and a vision of the media role in the progress and development of Oman.
The Ministry provides its services through “Injaz” platform www.injaaz.om to get all the services accessible through a dedicated portal.

The objectives are divided into:
a. Political
To contribute in enhancing and consolidating the national unity, intensifying the citizenship concept, reinforcing the political stabilization being set up since the emergence of the blessed renaissance, and accentuating Oman’s political and civilized role.
b. Developmental:
To contribute in qualifying the human resources for the sake of the development plans based on self-reliance principles, and on enforcing solidarity and social integration, and bringing into agreement between tradition and modernity.
Main Functions:
First: Internal (domestic) Media

  • Setting out the concept of citizenship in all its aspects
  • Developing the capacities of the citizens, and familiarize them with their essential role in the construction and development process.
  • Contributing to the cultural and educational foundation of the community by setting up the foundations of the national identity and unity and playing the role in maintaining these achievements.
  • Bringing the participation in decision making/ taking into effect.
  • Reinforcing the religious cultural and ethical work principles through diligent and excellent performance

Second: External Media
  • Policy of Noninterference in the internal affairs of others
  • Policy of peaceful coexistence among nations
  • Application of good neighborhood principles
  • Respect of national sovereignty of each state
  • Advocate fair national issues at the international forums to address injustice of the oppressed nations.
  • Exchange interests with all


Competitive performance of the Omani media and smart media services.


The Omani media strategy endeavors to direct the media realm towards resourcing the development process and participating by enhancing the appropriate environment that leads to a stabilized progression, and to encounter the internal/ external variables.


  • Building management and financial system in media organizations, has an efficient and meet the requirements of the terms of reference of these institutions and their plans.
  • Including the development of the media message consistent the needs and priorities of the public, with taking into account the types, quality, attractiveness and promotion of the development process.
  • Development of media legislation and professional conventions which organization the work of media in the Sultanate, in order to achieve the development of media performance free and responsible.
  • Development of a national vision on the process of investing in diverse fields of media.
  • Development performance the external media and improve outputs and diversify its means, in order to developments in the field of communication.
  • Drawing completely an integrated for the advancement of media training and continuing education in an orderly and sustainable to enhance the professional credibility.
  • Development media research for the advancement of the field of studies and reconnaissance measuring public opinion, to provide an appropriate environment communication between policy makers, the media and the public.
  • Development performance of the electronic media and develop an integrated plan for the development of portal media services.


  • Advertise through Oman TV and Radio channels
  • Censorship of Artistic Works for Private Usage and Circulation
  • Establishing a Press Corporation
  • Issuing a Newspaper
  • License for Establishing and Operating Private Radio and TV Facilities
  • Listen to the live broadcast of Oman Radio
  • Practicing Journalism
  • Provide statistical and implied data of radio and television materials and programs
  • Request coverage of events
  • Request for Establishing a Bookshop
  • Request for Establishing a Media & Advertisement Agency
  • Request for Establishing a Printing Office
  • Request for Establishing a Publications Distribution Agency
  • Request for Establishing a Publishing House
  • Request for Establishing a Studio and Calligrapher
  • Request radio materials
  • Request to purchase television visuals
  • Sponsor programs through Oman TV and Radio channels
  • Submit complaints and suggestions
  • Submit proposals for radio and TV programs
  • Subscribe to Oman Daily Newspaper
  • Train university students
  • View Oman Radio programs schedule
  • View Oman TV programs library
  • View Oman TV programs schedule
  • View Oman radio programs library
  • Watch the live broadcast of Oman TV

Establishment Address

  1. P.O.Box
  2. P.C
  3. City
    ‎AL Khwair
  4. Phone
    +968 2494 1623
  5. Fax
    +968 24 69 37 70
  6. Email
  7. Web Site